
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.1.  */
00003 /* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison,
00004    Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
00006    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00009    any later version.
00011    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014    GNU General Public License for more details.
00016    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
00019    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
00021 /* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
00022    Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
00023    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
00024    in version 1.24 of Bison.  */
00026 /* Tokens.  */
00027 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
00028 # define YYTOKENTYPE
00029    /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
00030       know about them.  */
00031    enum yytokentype {
00032      ANY_TOK = 258,
00033      AS_TOK = 259,
00034      ASSOCIATION_TOK = 260,
00035      CLASS_TOK = 261,
00036      DISABLEOVERRIDE_TOK = 262,
00037      DT_BOOL_TOK = 263,
00038      DT_CHAR16_TOK = 264,
00039      DT_DATETIME_TOK = 265,
00040      DT_REAL32_TOK = 266,
00041      DT_REAL64_TOK = 267,
00042      DT_SINT16_TOK = 268,
00043      DT_SINT32_TOK = 269,
00044      DT_SINT64_TOK = 270,
00045      DT_SINT8_TOK = 271,
00046      DT_STR_TOK = 272,
00047      DT_UINT16_TOK = 273,
00048      DT_UINT32_TOK = 274,
00049      DT_UINT64_TOK = 275,
00050      DT_UINT8_TOK = 276,
00051      ENABLEOVERRIDE_TOK = 277,
00052      FALSE_TOK = 278,
00053      FLAVOR_TOK = 279,
00054      INDICATION_TOK = 280,
00055      INSTANCE_TOK = 281,
00056      METHOD_TOK = 282,
00057      NULL_TOK = 283,
00058      OF_TOK = 284,
00059      PARAMETER_TOK = 285,
00060      PRAGMA_TOK = 286,
00061      PROPERTY_TOK = 287,
00062      QUALIFIER_TOK = 288,
00063      REF_TOK = 289,
00064      REFERENCE_TOK = 290,
00065      RESTRICTED_TOK = 291,
00066      SCHEMA_TOK = 292,
00067      SCOPE_TOK = 293,
00068      TOSUBCLASS_TOK = 294,
00069      TRANSLATABLE_TOK = 295,
00070      TRUE_TOK = 296,
00071      LPAREN_TOK = 297,
00072      RPAREN_TOK = 298,
00073      LBRACE_TOK = 299,
00074      RBRACE_TOK = 300,
00075      SEMICOLON_TOK = 301,
00076      LBRACK_TOK = 302,
00077      RBRACK_TOK = 303,
00078      COMMA_TOK = 304,
00079      DOLLAR_TOK = 305,
00080      COLON_TOK = 306,
00081      EQUALS_TOK = 307,
00082      IDENTIFIER_TOK = 308,
00083      stringValue = 309,
00084      floatValue = 310,
00085      charValue = 311,
00086      binaryValue = 312,
00087      octalValue = 313,
00088      decimalValue = 314,
00089      hexValue = 315
00090    };
00091 #endif
00092 /* Tokens.  */
00093 #define ANY_TOK 258
00094 #define AS_TOK 259
00095 #define ASSOCIATION_TOK 260
00096 #define CLASS_TOK 261
00097 #define DISABLEOVERRIDE_TOK 262
00098 #define DT_BOOL_TOK 263
00099 #define DT_CHAR16_TOK 264
00100 #define DT_DATETIME_TOK 265
00101 #define DT_REAL32_TOK 266
00102 #define DT_REAL64_TOK 267
00103 #define DT_SINT16_TOK 268
00104 #define DT_SINT32_TOK 269
00105 #define DT_SINT64_TOK 270
00106 #define DT_SINT8_TOK 271
00107 #define DT_STR_TOK 272
00108 #define DT_UINT16_TOK 273
00109 #define DT_UINT32_TOK 274
00110 #define DT_UINT64_TOK 275
00111 #define DT_UINT8_TOK 276
00112 #define ENABLEOVERRIDE_TOK 277
00113 #define FALSE_TOK 278
00114 #define FLAVOR_TOK 279
00115 #define INDICATION_TOK 280
00116 #define INSTANCE_TOK 281
00117 #define METHOD_TOK 282
00118 #define NULL_TOK 283
00119 #define OF_TOK 284
00120 #define PARAMETER_TOK 285
00121 #define PRAGMA_TOK 286
00122 #define PROPERTY_TOK 287
00123 #define QUALIFIER_TOK 288
00124 #define REF_TOK 289
00125 #define REFERENCE_TOK 290
00126 #define RESTRICTED_TOK 291
00127 #define SCHEMA_TOK 292
00128 #define SCOPE_TOK 293
00129 #define TOSUBCLASS_TOK 294
00130 #define TRANSLATABLE_TOK 295
00131 #define TRUE_TOK 296
00132 #define LPAREN_TOK 297
00133 #define RPAREN_TOK 298
00134 #define LBRACE_TOK 299
00135 #define RBRACE_TOK 300
00136 #define SEMICOLON_TOK 301
00137 #define LBRACK_TOK 302
00138 #define RBRACK_TOK 303
00139 #define COMMA_TOK 304
00140 #define DOLLAR_TOK 305
00141 #define COLON_TOK 306
00142 #define EQUALS_TOK 307
00143 #define IDENTIFIER_TOK 308
00144 #define stringValue 309
00145 #define floatValue 310
00146 #define charValue 311
00147 #define binaryValue 312
00148 #define octalValue 313
00149 #define decimalValue 314
00150 #define hexValue 315
00155 #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
00156 #line 87 "OW_MOFParser.yy"
00157 typedef union YYSTYPE {
00158    MOFSpecification*          pMOFSpecification;
00159    List<MOFProduction*>*      pMOFProductionList;
00160    MOFProduction*             pMOFProduction;
00161    IndicDeclaration*          pIndicDeclaration;
00162    ClassDeclaration*          pClassDeclaration;
00163    PropertyDeclaration*       pPropertyDeclaration;
00164    ObjectRef*                 pObjectRef;
00165    Parameter*                 pParameter;
00166    ::OpenWBEM::MOF::Array*                   pArray;
00167    CompilerDirective*         pCompilerDirective;
00168    MetaElement*               pMetaElement;
00169    List<MetaElement*>*        pMetaElementList;
00170    Initializer*               pInitializer;
00171    SuperClass*                pSuperClass;
00172    AssociationFeature*        pAssociationFeature;
00173    List<AssociationFeature*>* pAssociationFeatureList;
00174    QualifierParameter*        pQualifierParameter;
00175    QualifierDeclaration*      pQualifierDeclaration;
00176    PragmaParameter*           pPragmaParameter;
00177    AssocDeclaration*          pAssocDeclaration;
00178    DefaultValue*              pDefaultValue;
00179    ClassFeature*              pClassFeature;
00180    List<ClassFeature*>*       pClassFeatureList;
00181    ReferenceInitializer*      pReferenceInitializer;
00182    QualifierType*             pQualifierType;
00183    DefaultFlavor*             pDefaultFlavor;
00184    String*                    pString;
00185    IntegerValue*              pIntegerValue;
00186    ConstantValue*             pConstantValue;
00187    ArrayInitializer*          pArrayInitializer;
00188    ValueInitializer*          pValueInitializer;
00189    List<ValueInitializer*>*   pValueInitializerList;
00190    Flavor*                    pFlavor;
00191    List<Flavor*>*             pFlavorList;
00192    List<ConstantValue*>*            pConstantValueList;
00193    Alias*                     pAlias;
00194    List<Qualifier*>*          pQualifierList;
00195    ReferenceDeclaration*      pReferenceDeclaration;
00196    MethodDeclaration*         pMethodDeclaration;
00197    Qualifier*                 pQualifier;
00198    List<Parameter*>*          pParameterList;
00199    Scope*                     pScope;
00200    InstanceDeclaration*       pInstanceDeclaration;
00201    PragmaName*                pPragmaName;
00202    ClassName*                 pClassName;
00203    AliasIdentifier*           pAliasIdentifier;
00204    QualifierName*             pQualifierName;
00205    PropertyName*              pPropertyName;
00206    ReferenceName*             pReferenceName;
00207    MethodName*                pMethodName;
00208    ParameterName*             pParameterName;
00209    DataType*                  pDataType;
00210    ObjectHandle*              pObjectHandle;
00211 } YYSTYPE;
00212 /* Line 1447 of yacc.c.  */
00213 #line 214 "OW_MOFParser.h"
00214 # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
00215 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
00216 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
00217 #endif

Generated on Thu Feb 9 08:48:07 2006 for openwbem by  doxygen 1.4.6