
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.1.  */
00003 /* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison,
00004    Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
00006    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00009    any later version.
00011    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014    GNU General Public License for more details.
00016    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
00019    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
00021 /* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
00022    Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
00023    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
00024    in version 1.24 of Bison.  */
00026 /* Tokens.  */
00027 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
00028 # define YYTOKENTYPE
00029    /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
00030       know about them.  */
00031    enum yytokentype {
00032      ALL = 258,
00033      AND = 259,
00034      AS = 260,
00035      ASC = 261,
00036      ASTERISK = 262,
00037      AT = 263,
00038      BITAND = 264,
00039      BITCONST = 265,
00040      BITINVERT = 266,
00041      BITOR = 267,
00042      BITSHIFTLEFT = 268,
00043      BITSHIFTRIGHT = 269,
00044      BY = 270,
00045      COLON = 271,
00046      COMMA = 272,
00047      CONCATENATION = 273,
00048      CROSS = 274,
00049      CURRENTDATE = 275,
00050      CURRENTTIME = 276,
00051      CURRENTTIMESTAMP = 277,
00052      CURRENTUSER = 278,
00053      DAYP = 279,
00054      DEFAULT = 280,
00055      DELETE = 281,
00056      DESC = 282,
00057      DISTINCT = 283,
00058      EQUALS = 284,
00059      ESCAPE = 285,
00060      EXTRACT = 286,
00061      FALSEP = 287,
00062      FCONST = 288,
00063      FOR = 289,
00064      FROM = 290,
00065      FULL = 291,
00066      GREATERTHAN = 292,
00068      GROUP = 294,
00069      HAVING = 295,
00070      HEXCONST = 296,
00071      HOURP = 297,
00072      ICONST = 298,
00073      IDENT = 299,
00074      IN = 300,
00075      INNERP = 301,
00076      INSERT = 302,
00077      INTERVAL = 303,
00078      INTO = 304,
00079      IS = 305,
00080      ISA = 306,
00081      ISNULL = 307,
00082      JOIN = 308,
00083      LEADING = 309,
00084      LEFT = 310,
00085      LEFTBRACKET = 311,
00086      LEFTPAREN = 312,
00087      LESSTHAN = 313,
00088      LESSTHANOREQUALS = 314,
00089      LIKE = 315,
00090      MINUS = 316,
00091      MINUTEP = 317,
00092      MONTHP = 318,
00093      NATIONAL = 319,
00094      NATURAL = 320,
00095      NOT = 321,
00096      NOTEQUALS = 322,
00097      NOTNULL = 323,
00098      NULLP = 324,
00099      ON = 325,
00100      ONLY = 326,
00101      OR = 327,
00102      ORDER = 328,
00103      OUTERP = 329,
00104      PERCENT = 330,
00105      PERIOD = 331,
00106      PLUS = 332,
00107      POSITION = 333,
00108      RIGHT = 334,
00109      RIGHTBRACKET = 335,
00110      RIGHTPAREN = 336,
00111      SCONST = 337,
00112      SECONDP = 338,
00113      SELECT = 339,
00114      SEMICOLON = 340,
00115      SESSIONUSER = 341,
00116      SET = 342,
00117      SOLIDUS = 343,
00118      SUBSTRING = 344,
00119      TIME = 345,
00120      TIMESTAMP = 346,
00121      TIMEZONEHOUR = 347,
00122      TIMEZONEMINUTE = 348,
00123      TRAILING = 349,
00124      TRIM = 350,
00125      TRUEP = 351,
00126      UNION = 352,
00127      UNIONJOIN = 353,
00128      UPDATE = 354,
00129      USER = 355,
00130      USING = 356,
00131      VALUES = 357,
00132      WHERE = 358,
00133      YEARP = 359,
00134      ZONE = 360,
00135      UMINUS = 361
00136    };
00137 #endif
00138 /* Tokens.  */
00139 #define ALL 258
00140 #define AND 259
00141 #define AS 260
00142 #define ASC 261
00143 #define ASTERISK 262
00144 #define AT 263
00145 #define BITAND 264
00146 #define BITCONST 265
00147 #define BITINVERT 266
00148 #define BITOR 267
00149 #define BITSHIFTLEFT 268
00150 #define BITSHIFTRIGHT 269
00151 #define BY 270
00152 #define COLON 271
00153 #define COMMA 272
00154 #define CONCATENATION 273
00155 #define CROSS 274
00156 #define CURRENTDATE 275
00157 #define CURRENTTIME 276
00158 #define CURRENTTIMESTAMP 277
00159 #define CURRENTUSER 278
00160 #define DAYP 279
00161 #define DEFAULT 280
00162 #define DELETE 281
00163 #define DESC 282
00164 #define DISTINCT 283
00165 #define EQUALS 284
00166 #define ESCAPE 285
00167 #define EXTRACT 286
00168 #define FALSEP 287
00169 #define FCONST 288
00170 #define FOR 289
00171 #define FROM 290
00172 #define FULL 291
00173 #define GREATERTHAN 292
00175 #define GROUP 294
00176 #define HAVING 295
00177 #define HEXCONST 296
00178 #define HOURP 297
00179 #define ICONST 298
00180 #define IDENT 299
00181 #define IN 300
00182 #define INNERP 301
00183 #define INSERT 302
00184 #define INTERVAL 303
00185 #define INTO 304
00186 #define IS 305
00187 #define ISA 306
00188 #define ISNULL 307
00189 #define JOIN 308
00190 #define LEADING 309
00191 #define LEFT 310
00192 #define LEFTBRACKET 311
00193 #define LEFTPAREN 312
00194 #define LESSTHAN 313
00195 #define LESSTHANOREQUALS 314
00196 #define LIKE 315
00197 #define MINUS 316
00198 #define MINUTEP 317
00199 #define MONTHP 318
00200 #define NATIONAL 319
00201 #define NATURAL 320
00202 #define NOT 321
00203 #define NOTEQUALS 322
00204 #define NOTNULL 323
00205 #define NULLP 324
00206 #define ON 325
00207 #define ONLY 326
00208 #define OR 327
00209 #define ORDER 328
00210 #define OUTERP 329
00211 #define PERCENT 330
00212 #define PERIOD 331
00213 #define PLUS 332
00214 #define POSITION 333
00215 #define RIGHT 334
00216 #define RIGHTBRACKET 335
00217 #define RIGHTPAREN 336
00218 #define SCONST 337
00219 #define SECONDP 338
00220 #define SELECT 339
00221 #define SEMICOLON 340
00222 #define SESSIONUSER 341
00223 #define SET 342
00224 #define SOLIDUS 343
00225 #define SUBSTRING 344
00226 #define TIME 345
00227 #define TIMESTAMP 346
00228 #define TIMEZONEHOUR 347
00229 #define TIMEZONEMINUTE 348
00230 #define TRAILING 349
00231 #define TRIM 350
00232 #define TRUEP 351
00233 #define UNION 352
00234 #define UNIONJOIN 353
00235 #define UPDATE 354
00236 #define USER 355
00237 #define USING 356
00238 #define VALUES 357
00239 #define WHERE 358
00240 #define YEARP 359
00241 #define ZONE 360
00242 #define UMINUS 361
00247 #if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
00248 #line 197 "OW_WQLParser.yy"
00249 typedef union YYSTYPE {
00250    stmt* pstmt;
00251    optSemicolon* poptSemicolon;
00252    insertStmt* pinsertStmt;
00253    List<targetEl*>* ptargetList;
00254    List<String*>* pcolumnList;
00255    insertRest* pinsertRest;
00256    deleteStmt* pdeleteStmt;
00257    List<updateTargetEl*>* pupdateTargetList;
00258    updateStmt* pupdateStmt;
00259    selectStmt* pselectStmt;
00260    exprSeq* pexprSeq;
00261    optDistinct* poptDistinct;
00262    List<sortby*>* psortbyList;
00263    sortClause* psortClause;
00264    optSortClause* poptSortClause;
00265    sortby* psortby;
00266    List<String*>* pnameList;
00267    optGroupClause* poptGroupClause;
00268    optHavingClause* poptHavingClause;
00269    List<tableRef*>* pfromList;
00270    optFromClause* poptFromClause;
00271    tableRef* ptableRef;
00272    joinedTable* pjoinedTable;
00273    aliasClause* paliasClause;
00274    joinType* pjoinType;
00275    joinQual* pjoinQual;
00276    relationExpr* prelationExpr;
00277    optWhereClause* poptWhereClause;
00278    rowExpr* prowExpr;
00279    List<aExpr*>* prowList;
00280    rowDescriptor* prowDescriptor;
00281    aExpr* paExpr;
00282    bExpr* pbExpr;
00283    cExpr* pcExpr;
00284    optIndirection* poptIndirection;
00285    optExtract* poptExtract;
00286    positionExpr* ppositionExpr;
00287    optSubstrExpr* poptSubstrExpr;
00288    substrFrom* psubstrFrom;
00289    substrFor* psubstrFor;
00290    trimExpr* ptrimExpr;
00291    attr* pattr;
00292    attrs* pattrs;
00293    targetEl* ptargetEl;
00294    updateTargetEl* pupdateTargetEl;
00295    aExprConst* paExprConst;
00296    String* pstring;
00297 } YYSTYPE;
00298 /* Line 1447 of yacc.c.  */
00299 #line 300 "OW_WQLParser.h"
00300 # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
00301 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
00302 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
00303 #endif
00305 extern YYSTYPE owwqllval;

Generated on Thu Feb 9 08:48:17 2006 for openwbem by  doxygen 1.4.6