OpenWBEM Frequently Asked Questions

Table of contents:

  • What do I need to build OpenWBEM?
  • How do I link a binary to the OpenWBEM libraries?
  • make check failed.  What do I do now?
  • Why can't I authenticate using Linux-PAM authentication?
  • Why doesn't the configure script detect OpenSSL?
  • How do I build from OpenWBEM from CVS?

  • What do I need to build OpenWBEM?

    To build OpenWBEM, you need gcc version 2.95 or higher, and GNU makex.  Note that you currently can't use gcc 2.96 from RedHat, it miscompiles the code.  Also you can't use gcc 3.0.x due to some problems that gcc 3.0.x has with iostreams. gcc 3.1.x and higher have been verified to work correctly.  Optionally, you may also want OpenSSL if you want to support HTTPS, and zlib if you want to support zlib (deflate) compression.

    make check failed.  What do I do now?

    If the acceptance test script failed, there are several log files which may help you determine what went wrong.  The acceptance script installs OpenWBEM in test/acceptance/stage.  The directory test/acceptance/stage/results contains the output from the various tests performed by the acceptance test script.  You might start with owcimomd.output.  You can also look in test/acceptance/stage for core files.  If you are familiar with gdb, please create a backtrace from the core file(s) and email it to

    Why can't I authenticate using Linux-PAM authentication?

    Make sure you have a /etc/pam.d/openwbem file that works.  You should be able to copy the one from etc/pam.d/ in the source tar file.  Also, make sure you are authenticating as a user listed in the pam.allowed_users variable in openwbem.conf.  For additional information, see the file AuthModule.HOWTO in the source tar file.

    Why doesn't the configure script detect OpenSSL?

    The configure script will look in the following places the the OpenSSL headers and libraries: /usr/local/openssl /usr/lib/openssl /usr/local/ssl /usr/lib/ssl /usr/local /usr/pkg /opt /opt/openssl If you have installed OpenSSL in another directory, then you must use the --with-ssl-dir switch to specify the path to the OpenSSL "installation", not the headers. This should be the directory containing ./include and ./lib. If you installed OpenSSL from the source tarball distribution, the default location is /usr/local/ssl, and should be found automatically.
    If OpenSSL is installed in one of the locations listed above, and the configure script is not finding it, then most likely you don't have the OpenSSL library directory in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If OpenSSL is installed in /usr/local/ssl, then /usr/local/ssl/lib must be in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. configure tries to compile and run a small ssl program. If the program doesn't run, then the configure script will not detect OpenSSL. With /usr/local/ssl/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the small test program should work, and configure will "find" OpenSSL in /usr/local/ssl automatically.

    How do I build from OpenWBEM from CVS?

    First run the script, which will generate the files and the configure script. You must have autoconf and automake installed for this to work. Then you can run configure and finally make.

    Last modified
    Mon Apr 26 17:55:45 MDT 2004